Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023


I consider myself a culinary aficionado, a connoisseur of epicurean delights. My taste buds are as discerning as a gold medal judge at a cooking competition. When it comes to food, I am as particular as a cat sniffing a new brand of gourmet canned tuna. And let's not forget my love for dining out, where I venture into the wild jungle of restaurants, hoping to discover the hidden gems that will tantalize my taste buds. It's a gastronomic adventure that keeps me on my toes and my stomach full of laughter and deliciousness.
Picture credit Me: 

I'm all about that team fit fam life, where burpees and kale chips rule the land! We're the kind of crew who can plank for hours and discuss the latest organic smoothie flavors. When it comes to fitness, we don't mess around - we laugh at lunges, joke about jogging, and always keep our gym bags packed with enthusiasm. So, join our squad and get ready to embrace a world where sweatbands are fashion statements and a protein shake is our secret weapon. Let's show the world what it means to be a hilarious bunch of fitness fanatics!

Picture credit me  at: Gym close to 1004 V/I

  My grandiose ambition is to possess an exquisite eatery, regardless of the random twist of fate that determines my final destination. A place where gastronomic marvels and culinary wonders shall captivate the taste buds of guests from every corner of the globe. Oh, the adventures we shall embark upon, traversing countries and cultures through the magical power of delectable dishes! So, whether it be a cozy café in Paris or a lively diner in Tokyo, my restaurant shall conquer hearts, one delectable bite at a time! 
Shredded beef creamy pasty by me

 I'm the real party animal, the party's heart and soul! Who needs a drink to bring the house down when I'm around? With killer beats and an irresistible dance floor, I light up the party like fireworks on New Year's Eve. Watch out, because when I hit the dance floor, everyone else becomes a spectator to my electrifying moves!
Picture credit me: At a Bridal shower in Lekki Lagos

I'm like a coin, with two sides that just can't decide. On one hand, I crave the peaceful solitude of being an introvert. On the other hand, my extroverted self is always up for a wild adventure and making new friends. It's like having a never-ending party in my head, with an open invitation to both the introverts and extroverts. So yeah, I guess you could say I'm the life of my own party, even if it's just a party of one! 

 I have a confession to make: I rarely buy clothes. In fact, my fashion sense is so outdated, I could probably pass for a time traveler from the 80s. But hey, on the bright side, I've saved a fortune on laundry detergent! Who needs new clothes when you can rock the same flannel shirt for decades? So, if you ever spot someone wearing a vintage outfit that screams "I don't do fashion," it's probably me. Just doing my part to keep thrift stores in business! 

 I have a secret love affair with shoes, especially heels. They are like magical stilts that transform me into a glamorous yet slightly wobbly supermodel. Oh, the power of elevation! But beware, my friends, for delicate as they may seem, heels can turn a graceful strut into an impromptu dance routine. So, if you see a shoe-loving fashionista wobbling down the street, don't worry, it's just me embracing the art of vertical instability.
Picture Credit Me: At a Party in Lekki Lagos
Life can be a real tricky pickle, my friend! When faced with challenges, instead of throwing a tantrum and blaming the world, I prefer to go on an inward adventure. Who knew there could be so many lessons hiding in the midst of chaos? It's like a treasure hunt, but with questionable fashion choices and a lot of self-reflection. Remember, challenges are like those funky socks you can never find a matching pair for - they might seem annoying at first, but they sure make life interesting! Keep embracing those crazy challenges, because life without them would be about as exciting as a party without confetti. So go forth, my fellow adventurer, and find the laughter in every challenge that comes your way! 🎉 

Photo credit me at : Miracle Garden Dubai

 I'm someone who loves living on the edge, even doing mundane tasks like sleeping and waking up! Who needs a comfort zone when you can embrace the thrill of every moment? So why not take that risk and make every day an adventure-filled rollercoaster ride? After all, life is too short to be just a snooze fest! 

 When you finally embrace the fact that the world doesn't owe you anything, it's like winning the Nobel Prize in "Letting Go of Ridiculous Expectations". Seriously, it's like this gigantic weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and suddenly you can breathe again without having to inflate your ego! So, why not sit back, relax, and enjoy the show called life, where everyone's trying to one-up each other in the grand circus of existence? Who needs expectations from people when you can simply expect the unexpected and laugh at the absurdity of it all? Cheers to that!

Diary Of Bee

Exploring the Hidden Gem: Vir Island

Vir Island is a small but beautiful island in the Adriatic Sea, located in the Zadar County of Croatia. It is one of the most popular touris...

Diary Of Bee